
With our range of workshops, we show artisan bakeries ideas on how they can stand out from the crowd with special organic baked goods and inspire customers with quality-conscious products. The seminars cover a wide range of topics. These include, for example: Organic raw materials, organic cultivation, old grain varieties, customer approach and customer expectations, production of organic baked goods and long-term management.


Biologisch Backen – Qualität, die sich auszahlt

Ein Seminar, ideal für all diejenigen, die ernährungsbewusste Kunden ansprechen und neue Zielgruppen erschließen wollen, und zwar die wachsende Zahl derer, die Wert auf Bio-Qualität legen und bereit sind, für diese Mehrwerte auch mehr zu bezahlen.

Der renommierte Hersteller von Backöfen und Backtechnik MIWE Michael Wenz GmbH veranstaltete zusammen mit der Meyermühle am 5. bis 6. März im MIWE live baking center ein kostenloses Seminar, welches sich an Bäckereiunternehmer, Produktionsleiter und Fachpersonal richtete, die sich auf hochwertige Bio-Backwaren spezialisieren und neue Zielgruppen erschließen möchten. 

Sales workshop - Ready for the future!

The customer, the "unknown being" - How do I deal successfully with different types of customers?

Together with the experienced sales trainer Ulrike Poggenclaas, Meyermühle is organizing an exciting seminar on 10.01.2023 and 11.01.2023, both from 9:30 to 15:30, which is aimed specifically at sellers of organic baked goods.

We will address the following questions, run through various scenarios and provide you with helpful strategies for everyday sales:

What motives "drive" customers to buy? What factors lead to sales success?

The right conversation is half the "sales pitch"
Product sold out - what do I do?
Additional sales - do I put the customer under pressure?
Always these price discussions......... 
Have we aroused your interest? Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Das richtige Gespräch ist die halbe "Verkaufsmiete"
Produkt ausverkauft - was mache ich?
Zusatzverkauf - setze ich den Kunden unter Druck?
Immer diese Preisdiskussionen......... 
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Expedition organic baked goods

Baked goods are in demand at any time of day, so the selection should be planned according to the time of day and freshness should always be guaranteed.Organic raw materials are absolutely in line with the current trend and appeal to consumers from all age groups with their different diets! The growing interest in organic baked goods has now also been recognized by the baked goods industry and food retailers.

"But as long as products are comparable, customers will also compare prices!"
Therefore, every organic artisan bakery should offer specialties of top quality.

For us artisan businesses, this means not only reacting, but also acting in new ways in order to convince customers with an incomparable variety of flavors and unique quality.
Together with the organic raw material specialists from Meyermühle Landshut, we offer you a comprehensive knowledge transfer on production processes and the range of specialties of organic small baked goods, as well as a discovery tour of the interrupted baking process for bread and small baked goods as a qualitative alternative for your business. This seminar includes topics that naturally also offer interesting incentives for conventional artisan bakeries.

With organic into long-time dough method

Organic baked goods are now an integral part of the baked goods industry. Artisan bakeries in particular are held in very high regard by organic customers. They deliver individuality, freshness and transparency. In order to meet these requirements on a daily basis, organic bakeries rely on a consistently high quality of raw materials. In this seminar at the Vocational Training and Technology Center (BTZ) in Kempten, we offer you a comprehensive transfer of knowledge about the possibilities of organic raw materials that facilitate the production of organic baked goods and sustainably strengthen the trust of your customers.

Seminar content: Knowing and assessing the differences in quality of organic raw materials, additives for optimizing baked goods in organic quality, organic raw materials for modern long-term dough production, production of bread, small baked goods and yeast doughs with organic raw materials in various long-term production processes